Shristy Hardware

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Any purchase through this website is in continuation of you having agreed to all the terms and conditions and you having complete knowledge of product and its usage. In the event of any defect, the return and refund policy policy of our company shall prevail and in no case it shall extend beyond the product basic/discounted price you have paid.
The product photos on our website are a representation of the products that are for sale. The Colour weigh and the finish can vary than the actual of the product.
As a service to our customers we offer assistance in choosing and using our products via email, telephone and on the website. As we are not on-site at your project, we don’t know all the specific details of your project/usage. For this reason, you, and you alone, bear the ultimate responsibility for the choice, installation and use of the products you are inquiring about. Do not install a product until you are sure that it is suitable and safe for its intended use. In addition, if you are building a project that involves life/safety issues, you are strongly advised to consult a structural engineer.
Our shipping terms and information on shipping can be found by clicking on this link. Shipping terms are a part of our Purchase Terms.
We list a weight rating for some of our products. The manufacturer has supplied these weight ratings to us. Weight ratings apply only to a product when the product is used for the use that it was originally intended. For example, butt hinges are intended for use on doors that swing horizontally (like the front door on your house). A weight rating that is supplied for a butt hinge does not apply to doors that swing vertically or for any other use of the butt hinge.
Do NOT exceed the weight rating listed under any conditions. Do NOT use any of our products for overhead lifting, support of human weight, athletic or playground equipment. When safety is involved you are strongly advised to consult a structural engineer.
There are many hardware manufacturers that produce the exact same hardware. When you place an order for a particular product of any particular manufacturer /brand, all of the product that we ship you in that order will be from the same manufacturer and the finishes will match. However if at a later date you decide to order the same product (using the same SKU number), there is a possibility that the finishes of the new shipment will not exactly match the finishes of the old shipment. Anytime matching finishes is a concern, please call us before placing your order.
We strongly recommend that you do not build your projects until you have the hardware in your hands and can verify the dimensions, specifications and suitability of the finish. Hinge and hardware manufacturers do change the specifications, dimensions or finish of their products (many times without notice to us). For example, if you cut a hole for a mortise handle on an expensive door before you physically have the Handle in your hand, you may find out that the manufacturer has changed the dimensions. Changes by the manufacturer are beyond our control. will not be held responsible for changes in specifications or errors on our website. In addition, we strongly recommend that you do not hand a box of hardware to an installer/carpenter without first inspecting it yourself for correctness. We, strongly, recommend that you build a prototype and a practice installation before you make permanent alterations on expensive doors or other building materials. And, finally, when installing small screws in hardwood (or any hard material), please do a series of test installs (on scrap lumber) using various pilot drill sizes. If you install a small screw into a hard material and the pilot hole is not large enough you will snap off the screw head. Additionally, use a hand screwdriver to drive the screw rather than an electric screwdriver or an electric drill motor.
We, of course, prefer to sell Indian made products. Unfortunately, a lot of the hardware is manufactured overseas. If a product on our website is manufactured in the India, we will clearly note it on the webpage that it is “Made in India”.
All of product descriptions include dimensions of the product. We are very careful about these dimensions and do our best to keep these dimensions as accurate as possible. However, please keep in mind the following before placing an order;
Manufacturers change dimensions on products often without notifying anyone. When we find out about a change in specifications from a manufacturer we will make every effort to change the description on our website as quickly as possible. If a particular specification is critical to you, you should call us before placing an order so that we can verify the dimension or specification from a sample in our /manufacturer’s /supplier’s inventory.
The degree of accuracy with which we measure a product may not match the degree of accuracy that you are expecting. For example, we may describe a product as having a 3/4″ diameter when in fact is may actually measure 23/32″. For most uses the 3/4″ measurement is good enough. Again, if the measurement is critical to you, you should call us before ordering.
Most problems occur because customers make assumptions about sizes or specifications of a product. If something is critical, please call and ask. We cannot be held responsible for any of the above situations regarding dimensions. As stated above, “Our absolute limit of liability shall be limited to the purchase price of the product”.
We endeavor to promptly answer all emails from customers. If you have “spam blocker” activated on your email account by your Internet Service Provider we request that you set it to allow emails from Because it is a labour intensive process we regret that we cannot respond to automatic emails sent by spam blocker software to let our emails go through. If you have sent us an email and did not get an answer the above is most likely the reason.